Tuesday, February 20, 2007

attendings suck

just got a call today from one of the chief's , apparently the effeminate attending wanted me to cab in from across town last week and use up 1/3 of my days salary instead of taking public transport during the snowstorm. This way I get to face a room full of empty chairs earlier of the patients who themselves could not show up to clinic due to the inclement weather. It sounds like he wanted me to apologize for my tardiness instead of using my logic. What an ass. He called the chiefs on me....don't they have better things to do.


Notsofrummie said...

Couldnt you pull off some of your Doctor magic and tell the cabbie to step on it cuz of an emergency and you forgot your wallet at the other hospital.

Anonymous said...

suck it up.
You're there to learn not sign out and leave at noon.
Maybe naps will improve the overall degradation of the residency system but i doubt it.