Friday, May 4, 2007

The Dilemma

My apologies to any of the recent comments, I haven't been on this blog in a while to comment or publish, your thoughts are appreciated though. Two issues I have been troubled with recently. The first I will discuss here. If as the expression goes, "don't s--t where you eat" applies in the hospital setting and I have witnessed many poor results (though I must admit it is always from the girl end) then who are you supposed to be physically intimate /date? Our exposure to the outside world is severly limited by the hours and schedule we put in.

I myself am lucky enough to have social networks outside but even with that I spend sooo much more time with my co-workers. In addition to working together we also all live in the same building, so if you are tired and bored you call a co-worker and not someone living 35 blocks away to hang out. So I guess I am answering my own question and you must only hope to not catch any fecal oral diseases.

The second issue will be in my next post

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